3140 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118(386) 767-8761 Contact Us
Daytona Beach's Original Drive-In Worship
Experience In A Unique Coastal Setting

Trunk or Treat

10/31/2024 at 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Event Description

Dress up those kiddos, grab the dog's leash (and the dog!) and come on out to the Drive In Church for a night of FREE fun and lots of candy!

If you're a local business and would like to provide a decorated trunk, a fun activity for the kids to do, some light advertising, and tons of candy to give away then this is the event for you! You can email RevMelissa@driveinchurch.net to register your business or register here. There is no charge for you to participate, we just ask that your décor be church friendly/appropriate. We LOVE hosting safe and fun events for our local families!

Daytona Beach Drive In Christian Church
3140 South Atlantic Avenue
Daytona Beach Shores FL 32118